“Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.”
Eckhart Tolle
Who doesn’t get a little peeved from time to time?
We can all relate to stress and frustrations at work, with family and friends, money problems, long lines at the cash register, “incompetent drivers”…
Gritting teeth. Yelling. Silent treatment. Shopping sprees. Throwing things. Headaches. Upset stomach. Abuse of substances. The list goes on, but the behaviors do not need to. Talking to someone can help.
It’s okay to get angry, but it is how you deal with those feelings and emotions that can cause bigger problems for you. Relationship issues, problems at work, health problems, poor decisions…
What does your anger look like?

You are not alone in your
feelings and reactions.
It is important to understand the underlying causes of your anger, acknowledge they exist, and accept that changes are necessary to move past what has been keeping you stuck in the same place.
Looking back is not always easy, but necessary.
Don’t let others anger you to the point where you
become someone even you don’t recognize.
Abdulbar Yahya
Are you tired of hurting others with your words and actions? Life does not have to be this hard or hurt this much. There is never a better time to reach out for help than today.
Call me at (470) 955-6081, and together we can start you on a journey of discovery of peace and contentment.
If you prefer group settings or have specific legal requirements that must be met click here for more information on how I can help you reach your goals.