
Would just one thing go right???

You know those days where nothing goes right, everything seems off and you just can’t get a handle on the events of the day? Can your best day lately be described as “finding the effort to survive without something horrible happening”?

Anxiety can feel like this:

Fear of the unknown, what may come next.
          Dread while waiting for the other shoe to drop.
                          Worry about what others may think of you.
Stress that you may not get everything done on your To Do List.
              Irritable, agitated and doubtful over the least little things.
                          Personal torment that you are not PERFECT.

Often you can’t put a finger on why you are feeling out of sorts. Do you find yourself frozen in your tracks and unable to move forward? This unknown fear can immobilize and prevent you from living life as you truly wish.

Perhaps hiding is the answer…

There is no specific explanation why things just stop being pleasurable. Do you feel as if you are wearing a cloak heavy with guilt, fear, uncertainty? Lost in the unknown and unable to find a way out of your struggles.

Does it feel easier, maybe even safer, to just hide away and wait for the day to end and hope that tomorrow might be better?

Sound like your usual day?

At the time it might feel that hiding from the issues of today is an easier, softer way to endure. But your problems will just ‘Pop Up’ again tomorrow, and the day after and so on. Rather than trying to escape, it might be time to learn how to face your worries and fears while working on solutions for better days.

Imagine just being CALM, no worries, breathing carefree, and just being fully mindful of all the wonderful things around you.

Break free today!

There is no reason why you need to struggle with stress and anxiety.

Now is the time to improve your quality of life. I am here to help you find the peace and mindful quietness for which you’ve been searching. Call me at (470) 955-6081, and together we can discover the reasons behind your stress and anxiety, as well as find positive ways to cope and alleviate them when they come knocking at your door.